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Influence independence: why TASTY RUMORS refuses to advertise on META Facebook and Google

Updated: May 12

Today, social networks and search engines have become an integral part of many companies' advertising strategy. However, TASTY RUMORS decided to go against the current trend by refusing to run promotions on Facebook and Google platforms. Why?

One of the key reasons was the principle of independence. TASTY RUMORS platforms strive to be free from third-party influence, giving sellers and buyers freedom of choice. We believe that everyone should be able to form their own opinion about products and services without being exposed to mass advertising.

By allowing self-publishing of news on our site, we give members of TASTY RUMORS platforms the ability to share information about products and services directly with their subscribers. This encourages the organic distribution of information and creates a more reliable interaction between sellers and buyers.

Our decision to stop advertising on Facebook and Google does not mean that we will stop developing and using modern technology. We continue to actively implement web development, marketing and analytics to improve the user experience for our members in the HoReCa segment.

We believe that TASTY RUMORS' advertising approach contributes to creating a unique space for sellers and buyers, free from mass influences and encouraging independence of choice. Please visit our Sellers & Restaurateurs and Restaurateurs & Visitors platforms to learn more about our values and operating principles.

Regards, Elena Kasyan,

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